The Basque System for Income Guarantee and Social Inclusion benefits offers:

1. The right to economic benefits:

Income Guarantee Grant

This is monthly financial benefit for covering the basic needs of individuals and families who do not have sufficient resources and which aims to help them find employment.

This benefit is available to those who have no resources or the resources that they have are insufficient for covering their basic needs and who meet a specific set of requirements.

The unemployed, those in work with limited means, pensioners, or those receiving other types of benefit, etc are eligible.

Further information

Complementary Benefit for Housing

This is a benefit of an economic and periodic nature, complementary to the Income Guarantee Grant which aims to cover the rental costs of housing or fixed abode under any of the following conditions, renting, subletting, coletting, board and lodging and room rental.

Further information

Minimum Income Support

As well as the Income Guarantee Subsidy, the Minimum Income Support is a an income benefit aimed at preventing the risk of poverty and social exclusion for those who lack the economic resources necessary for covering their basic needs.

The Income Guarantee Subsidy is considered complementary and subsidiary to the Minimum Income Support.

Further information

Information and guidance on how to apply for these benefits can be found at Lanbide.

2. Economic aid grants:

Social Emergency Assistance

Emergency Social Assistance consists of economic benefits aimed at those people whose economic resources are insufficient for meeting a specific expenditure of an ordinary or extraordinary nature, for example, related to the use and maintenance or furnishing of the home. It can also be spent on expenses related to primary needs that are not covered by the public system or to cover previous debt incurred.

To receive this benefit , you need to have been on the electoral roll of any municipality within the territory of the Basque Country for at least six months prior to applying, be over 18 years old and not have enough money to meet the costs in question.

This assistance is limited, and covers only needs for which sufficient finance is available.


Information on the deadline and the paperwork involved can be obtained at the Citizens’ Assistance Service (SAC) or on the telephone 010.

Social Integration Grants

These are periodic grants of an economic nature which aim to deal with the basic needs and facilitate the social integration of those people who are in a situation of or at risk of social exclusion.

These grants may be applied for by those who do not have the right to the Income Guarantee Grant and who are independently cohabitating in one unit.

They must be people who are older than 18 years of age and be registered on the municipal census in any municipality in Bizkaia for at least 30 consecutive months before application can be made.

Further information